Out at SEA: Somebody Eats All
Chamber opera based on the homonymous novel by Slawolir Mrozek, written in collaboration with S. Gryllus and K. Nikoladze, 2013.
Commissioned by Peter Eotvos Music Foundation
Libretto by Andras Almazy-Toth. Zoltan Megyesi, tenor, Szylvia Voros, mezzo-soprano, Maurice Lenhard, baritone, Ditta Rohmann, cello, Horia Dumitrache, clarinet, Peter Barsony, viola, Hsiao-Lin Liao, conductor.
Excerpt 1: Elections
Excerpt 2: To Eat Something
Excerpt 3
“The Sargasso Prisoner” – Work in progress
– Opera Based on a Novel by Jean Rhys
« He hates me now. I hear him every night walking up and down the veranda. Up and down. When he passes my door he says. Good-night, Bertha.’ He never calls me Antoinette now. He has found out it was my mother’s name. – it cannot be worse », I said. (Penguin, 1968, p. 93-94).
This opera gives a voice to Bertha, the “paper tiger lunatic” of Jean Rhys’ novel Wide Sargasso Sea. The originality of Rhys’ work is to move to the centre stage that which had been relegated to the wings in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre: that is, Rochester’s supposedly mad wife, locked away in the attic of his manor. Reduced to a shadowy, gothic ‘detail’ in Brontë’s Victorian romance, Jean Rhys brings this figure to the fore and provides the textual conditions for her emergence as a person. Bertha is thus brought to life as she transforms her inner world into language. Her absence becomes presence; that which is invisible and marginalized in Brontë’s novel becomes visible and the centre of attention for Jean Rhys.
The Sargasso Prisoner : Presentation by the team