Next Events

May 31, 2024, CNR Boulogne-Billancourt, Paris 

“Borealis”, for flute and accordion. Alaïa MIchon, accordion.

June 13, 2024, Nordic House, Reykjavik 

Presentation, with Stefan Schneider, of the artistic research in “The Ice LIfe”, an art-science-ecology project based on field recordings from Vatnajökull Ice Cap.
This work is a collaboration between the Doctoral School EDESTA (University Paris 8), the Hornafjordur Research Center (University of Iceland), and the Cognitive Sciences Hub (University of Vienna).

July 5, July 12, 2024, 7PM, Theresianumgasse 35, Vienna (1040) 

“The Ice LIfe”, audio-video installation based on field recordings from Vatnajökull Ice Cap. A collaboration with the video artist Tina Hochkogler. Sound editing : Martin Lucas.
More details about the project at

September 27, 2024, 7PM, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris 

`”Sospiri dei Limbi”, Passion music for 4 singers, 3 instruments, electronics and video
Text based on Dante’s Divina Commedia, the Virgil’s Aeneid, and the Canto I by Ezra Pound.
In Italian, French, English and Latin languages. Libretto : Filippo Bruschi.

October 17, 2024, Festival Meridian, Bucarest : “Stillstand”, for soprano and 5 instruments. Ensemble Klangfar Kommentar

January 21, 2025 , Musik und Kunst Universität Wien

“The Ice Life” , new version of the project. In collaboration with “Zeitgenössischer Studiengang Tanz” MUK.

Original photos: form Katla Ice Cave, Iceland Marteinn Thorsson